2022 R U OK? Day

February 9, 2022 3:09 pm
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2022 R U OK? DAY

On Thursday September 8 it was R U OK? day. A reminder to everyone that a conversation could change a life, these conversations don’t have to be on one day, but can be any day.

With over 530 employees at Local Motor Group, we understand the importance of having these conversations at work. To acknowledge R U OK? day, our team members across Tasmania came together in various locations and ways, to check in with one another. Teams gathered for morning teas, lunches and just to catch up – as we encouraged everyone to check in on their peers and ask the simple question, R U OK? 💛

Don’t forget to check in with those around you.

For more information on R U OK? Please visit their website: https://www.ruok.org.au/